Friday, June 11, 2010

The Wildlife Friendly Garden

Winged visitors, from hummingbirds to butterflies, need a place for nesting and feeding. They need insects, berries and blossoms to live. Birds use brush, pine trees and hemlocks to shield them from weather and to protect them from predators. A sheltered tree branch holds a promise for a new beginning. Every species has its own special nesting instinct. Having some type of water is also essential. A birdbath, garden fountain or even a small kiddie pool can provide a refreshing drink to all sorts of wildlife. A birdbath provides life sustaining water for the birds and also adds beauty to any type of garden. Place this yard garden decor where it can be viewed from the deck or patio and enjoy the nature it will attract.

The bees will also enjoy your effort. We may not like them but they are needed to pollinate our flowers and food supply. One in every four mouthfuls of food we eat depends on bees and other pollinators. Butterflies and hummingbirds also provide us with pollinating services, while zipping from flower to flower. Pollinators need a protected place to live and reproduce. An untended "wild" area will give them the undisturbed space they need to tend to their business.

Planting plenty of the right flowers will also help. From up above these pollinators will look down to a smorgasbord of nectar if you plant geraniums, asters, Russian sage, garden phlox, coral bells, lavender, black-eyed susans and cone-flowers. These flowers not only attract the birds and bees, but are appealing for human eyes as well!

Mother Nature will do the gardening if given the right equipment in your back yard haven. To read more articles on gardening and find the right things to help decorate your space go to

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